Are you sure your daily medicines will reverse your diabetes or blood pressure to normal.

Hypertension nowadays has increased the consumption of medicines on regular basis which leads to inculcation of certain disorders in our body. These disorders certainly affect the healthy functioning of the heart. The heart is a muscle about the size of your fist. It pumps blood around your body and beats approximately 70 times a minute. There is a continuous process of circulation between the heart and lungs where the blood flow takes up oxygen from the lungs and this oxygen rich blood reaches to different parts of your body through a network of arteries.

In certain cases, the arteries are narrowed and thus less blood and oxygen reaches the heart muscle. This decreased blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle is known as cardiac ischemia. Ischemic heart disease is also known as Coronary Heart Disease that may eventually lead to heart attack.
Some of the common symptoms of heart attack are:
  • ·         Chest pain which may feel like tightness, pressure, heaviness, fullness or squeezing.
  • ·         Pain or discomfort in the neck and throat, jaw, shoulders and back, left arm and into the wrist and hands.
  • ·         difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • ·         nausea or vomiting
  • ·         sweating
  • ·         dizziness and feeling light-headed

Ischemic heart disease can be treated by seeking medical care from your health care provider. There are certain medications that can help cure IHD:
  • ·         Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
  • ·         Angiotensin receptor blockers
  • ·         Statins, which lower cholesterol and others

Medicines can just control the disease for time being and till you are using them. The disease process continues and inspite of continued medications you land up with more problems. Severe symptoms that are not relieved by medication alone are treated with surgical procedures that includes:
  • ·         Angioplasty and stent placement
  • ·         Coronary artery bypass graft

Surgical process can treat the heart immediately but may lead to surgery, permanently weak heart, re-operation of bypass and other problems. Modern medicines and surgeries can just keep the disease in control but doesn’t provide a permanent solution to it.  Secondly these procedures being invasive, untoward complications can occur during or after treatment.

Hriday Sanjivan Upchar is a combination programme of latest technology and ancient knowledge where Hriday means heart, Sanjivan means rejuvenation and Upchar refers to remedy. It is used as a complementary system to current medical treatment.
The four components of Heart Disease Reversal Programme (Hriday Sanjivan Upchar)
  • ·         Laser Hemotherapy: Illumination of blood (hemo) flowing in your radial/ulnar arteries and sub mucosal capillaries underneath nasal mucosa from outside of your skin (non-invasive) with laser light is called laser hemotherapy .
  • ·         Photon /Laser cardiac therapy: Delivering photons from LED/LASERS to heart and other points for actively stimulating the heart muscles is laser cardio therapy. Delivering photons from outside of your body to the energy channels is photon therapy, used to balance your endocrine system.
  • ·          Exercise/yoga /pranayam: For the photon rich blood to reach in all nook and corner of your body this is essential requirement for getting maximum benefits of the treatment.
  • ·         Nutrition: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”Hippocrates said “treat the body as a whole and the therapies should be centred around restoring the body’s ability to heal itself”.

The benefits of Heart disease reversal programme are as follows:
  • ·         Blood perfusion of heart muscles improves and thus improves functional stability.
  • ·         Natural collaterals open up and increase in diameter.
  • ·         Blockages in coronary arteries get reduced or dissolved.
  • ·         Heart compliance increases.ECG,Stress test,Thallium scan show improvement in left ventricular function, ejection fraction.
  • ·          Breathlessness, chest pain (angina), uneasiness, palpitations, all symptoms improve.
  • ·         Very helpful to avoid re appearance of blockages & recurrence of heart attack.
  • ·         No injection, no anaesthesia, no operation, no hospitalisation required.
  • ·          Average 6 to 9 months of programme gives best results.
  • ·         Helps to regain the healthy heart.
  • ·         Very useful for: those who cannot afford or who do not want to or those high-risk patients whom doctors say no for angioplasty or Bypass surgeries and metabolic syndrome patients.
  • ·         Helps to regain Vim and Vigor.
