A New Hope For Parkinson's Disease - Laser Hemotherapy
With the increase average living age for a human, brain related diseases are also increasing. More that a crore people in India are suffering from Parkinson disease. People who remain active throughout their life becomes weaker at the old age because of this disease. Started from low shivering in the body, it later converts into a big disease.
According to various surveys conducted worldwide on the disease, it has been found that due to the death of cell named Dopamine that helps in creating a chemical based cell in the brain, the condition of a patient worsen and leads to this disease. The exact reason for the death of this cell has not been found yet.
What are the symptoms of this disease?
In the early years, its symptoms are very slow, which often people ignore. Like:
1 shivering in the body part
2 slow down of physical activity (broadicencia),
3 muscle acids,
4 Eye Blinking problem,
5 Difficulty in speaking and writing
Slowly the nature of the disease becomes severe. It leads to making it difficult to walk, the cheeks are destroyed from the face. One goes expressionless and might lead to depression after a time.
Is Parkinson's Disease Information Available?
No, any pathology test is currently unavailable. Doctors diagnose Parkinson's through their own symptoms of neurology and signs of the patient. The symptoms of this disease gradually emerge, so it is important to contact the doctor.
What is the treatment?
It is treated with dopamine medicine. Initially a goose starts, gradually giving doses of 4 to 6 times a day. These medicines help to some extent to work on the symptoms of this disease. But the disease continues to grow. Due to side effects, morbidity condition worsens.
Cerebral cells can be stimulated through the operation (DIBS). It also has the effect only for some time. The main cause of Parkinson's, the cycle of dead cells, can not stop it.
Worldwide, there is a search of such alleles which says:
1 Dead cells may be able to work or stop.
2 The cells which have survived can be re-raised.
3 could control the neuronal activity in small mugs.
4 which can be beneficial for a long time.
5 Be safe and do not face side effects.
All these expectations can be completed by laser treatment. And this is proved in the research conducted on the methodology of the daily laser. It can be prevented from killing 600 to 1020 nm wave length laser cells.
The main part of laser treatment is as follows.
1 laser hemotherapy: which is given from outside to the blood that is shed in its nerves.
2 Photon Therapy: These treatments are given to the back portion of the brain.
3 Take care of diet for nutrition
4 Pranayama: Exercise of various types of saasons that can breathe with yoga.
By taking these proteins regularly, Parkinson's disease can be normalized.
Laser Hemotherapy: 'Ma Rudra' is treated in the vein from the laser device, it is treated to the blood that is shed in your veins, this device binds like a wrist in your wrist, where the doctor sees your pulse. Under the nostrils of your nose There is also a flow of blood. Keeping the lasers hose in the nose along with the wrist also, 'Ram Rudra' device has been used for treatment of more than 3 lakhs for half an hour.This yantra The dosage of those photons that are released from the ration is given in specific quantities and this dose delivery system is patented, which makes the machine 'ma rudra' a success. Without this, it is a treatment of any drug, injection, or operation. There is no reason for it or no need to be admitted to the hospital.
How does laser work?
The laser radiation is made from photon.They have the ability to travel in a straight line. Because of this, they can go far and these photons have energy. Any part of our body where this radiation falls, the cells in them If the cell is damaged, or is on the brink of sickness or death, this photon reappears in an elevated state after the absorption of the photon, and with its natural ability, Ibana start that the red blood cells in the blood that Hakbhne whose job it is to fulfill Srirko oxygen supply. The laser treatment of half-an-hour leads to an increase of 24 to 32%. This research has been certified. Increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood helps in eliminating many problems. The work of white blood cells is to clean up the wastes stored in the blood.When this photon absorbs, then they also get the energy raised and the accumulated garbage in the blood such as bacteria, viruses, free radicals, cholesterol clears them. Similarly All cells are stimulated and help in curing many diseases.
Photon Therapy: When Parkinson's disease is a root hindrance, then the photon dosage is given in a specific amount on the back of the brain. These photon therapy is given only by excercises. It takes 20 to 25 minutes and for this Do not even have to be admitted to the hospital !!
Benefits of laser treatment in Parkinson's disease are given as follows:
1 Dying cells decreases
2 Increases the amount of ATP in 2 cells
3 decreases oxidative stress.
4 The activities within the cells of mytokondria are normal.
5 Healthy cells, however, the immune system increases.
6 corrects neuronal activity.
7 Neuronal firing which is more than activity in the subthalamic region is normal.
8 hands and feet (motor behavior) are normal.
9 The speed of disease increases and its intensity decreases.
10 Its benefits are for a long time.
11 Protects the cerebral cells.
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